domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Allende los mares 22: 4NCL y London Chess League

Mi actividad ajedrecística empieza a coger momento. El 15 y 16 de Noviembre tocó el primer fin de semana de 4NCL. Este año debutaba con Barbican 4NCL 2 en la máxima división (retransmitido por Internet!)…y no se puede decir que fuera un gran fin de semana. Tanto el sábado como el domingo caímos derrotados por 5-3 contra equipos de similar nivel. El sábado yo no pude rascar más que tablas contra un rival que decidió enmazarse con blancas, mientras que el domingo tuve que inclinar mi rey tras una larga lucha, siendo los penúltimos en terminar de los cientos de tableros. Pero el pésimo fin de semana no terminó ahí. En el viaje de vuelta a Londres, a pesar de la alegre compañía de Stuart Conquest (antiguo jugador de Oberena y actual director del Festival de Ajedrez de Gibraltar), se convirtió en un interminable trayecto de 4 horas en lugar de 2 horas por tomar dirección norte en lugar de sur.
Dejando atrás el pasado fatídico fin de semana, esta semana jugué con el Imperial College la London Chess League (tercera división). Sin mejor suerte  para mi equipo, pero con mejor resultado para mí. Perdimos el encuentro por 4 – 6, pero yo me llevé la victoria en una partida de la cual me encuentro muy satisfecho porque demostré mucha creatividad/imaginación y un buen cálculo. Por ello, he decidido comentar esta partida para la entrada de hoy. Eso sí, lo haré en Inglés por tres de motivos: (i) me resulta más fácil (cosas que pasan cuando hablas 99% del tiempo en Inglés), (ii) el blog se hace más poliglota (Español, Euskera e Inglés), (iii) el capitán de mi equipo Imperial College me pidió la partida (sin o con comentarios) para mostrarla en la noche del club; para no tener que trabajar dos veces, la comento directamente en Inglés. Así que ahí va la primera entrada en Inglés!  
Kelmendi, Bajrush (192) - Navarro Cia, Miguel (195) [A10]

London Chess League 2014/2015 Londres (4.1), 18.11.2014

1.c4 f5 2.Cc3 Cf6 3.d3 e5 4.e4?! Ab4 [¹4...Ac5 Following the spirit of the King's gambit, I could have put an eye on f2. Notice that we are almost playing a King's gambit with reverse colours. The extra move c4 does not seem to be of much usefulness. Actually, it weakened d4, which can be a strong post for the Black pieces] 5.exf5 0–0 6.Ad2 Too passive. Black has now complete freedom 6...Cc6 7.Ae2 Obviously White plans to keep the pawn up. This is a very risky decision since it will be very behind in development 7...d5 [7...d6!? But for me it made more sense to open up lines since the White king is stuck in the middle. Black needs to benefit from its advance in development 8.g4 Otherwise, Black retakes in f5 with a better position 8...Cd4© (8...Ac5© Difficult to make because it admits that this was the original best square for the bishop, but it is arguably one of the best options now) ] 8.g4 [8.cxd5 Cd4©
There is no rush to take in d5] 8...dxc4 [8...d4! I could have broken the position now! 9.Cb1 (9.Ce4 Cxe4 10.dxe4 d3 I overestimated this move. Actually, I missed 11....Dd4, which leaves Black with clear advantage 11.Af3 Dd4µ) 9...e4!ƒ
White has all pieces in the first two rows and Black is ready to jump over the White's king] 9.dxc4 Cd4 10.h3 To allow Cf3 without losing g4 [10.Cf3 Cxg4µ 11.Cxd4 Dxd4 12.Axg4 Axc3 13.Axc3 De4+] 10...h5 Standard move in the King's gambit to dismantle the White's kingside pawn structure [10...b6!? Placing the bishop in the long diagonal makes it difficult for the White's king to find refuge] 11.a3 Axc3 12.bxc3 [¹12.Axc3 c5© White still needs to finish the development and with the annoying knight in d4 it is not an easy task] 12...Cxe2 13.Dxe2 White is a pawn up, but the his pawn structure is terrible and he still needs to finish the development without losing the extra pawn. When there are bishops of different colours in the board, pawns do not count much. It is more important who has the initiative. In this position, it is obvious that me! I was confident that soon the White position was going to collapse 13...e4 [¹13...b6 I should have tried to finish the development, since I do not need e4 to prevent Cf3. White cannot play it because g4 is hanging] 14.Ae3 b6 Now it is evident the drawback of e4: it blocks my bishop! It is not a big deal, because I have other targets (c4 pawn, for instance), but it would be nice to have also the long diagonal for my enjoyment! [14...Dd3!? I was not willing to exchange queens. I wanted to keep them in the board to check mate my opponent] 15.Td1 De7 16.g5 Cd7
17.f6 Standard response in the King's gambit: White gives back the pawn to destroy the Black's kingside pawn structure 17...gxf6 18.Dxh5 The position is rather complex and risky for both sides. However, I did not see a way for White to materialize his threats, while I was seeing lots of possibilities for me! I just needed to remain calm and believe in my position 18...Ce5
19.g6?! Very tempting, but not the best move I think. Now all hopes for White are in check mating me, but he forgets his king and that the one fully developed was me! [19.gxf6 Txf6 (19...Dxf6 20.Td5+-) 20.Th2 (20.Ag5? Cd3+ 21.Rd2 Txf2+ 22.Ce2 Df7µ; 20.Ad4 Tf5÷) 20...Tg6 21.Th1 Ab7÷] 19...Ae6! The analysis modules suggest Cd3+, but I think there is no rush to check. White's king will be in the centre still for a while...Actually, the analysis modules eventually prove me right! [19...c5!? 20.Th2 Ae6 21.Tg2 Axc4 22.g7 Tfe8 23.Dh8+ Rf7 24.Dh5+ Rg8=] 20.Th2 Axc4 21.Tg2 A bit bold. White wants to play g7 and try to mate me, but how many moves did he spend for that? 21...Tfd8! White king will be left without any protection soon! 22.Ad4?? But the White's position was collapsing anyway... [22.g7 Txd1+ 23.Rxd1 Cf7!–+ White no longer has any threat and Black is ready to go for the White king!] 22...Cf3+ 
23.Cxf3 exf3+ 24.Rd2 fxg2 25.Rc2 De2+ Let's remove queens from the board to avoid accidents 26.Dxe2 Axe2 27.Tg1 Txd4 28.Txg2 [28.cxd4 Af1–+ And then simply start collecting White pawns with the rook+king] 28...Td5 0–1

1 comentario:

Kaiserlich dijo...

Nice game and great comments, as usual.